On March 2, 2011 Marvel Manufacturing ran into a situation where a system crash occurred with the UPS shipping system that handles all of Marvel’s parts delivery. As the IT department scrambled for a solution, the shipping manager continued to pull and box customer orders throughout the day.
The IT department was able to scramble and pull together a system at 4:00 pm. Unfortunately, it was too late for that day’s schedule UPS pickup. Fully understanding the dire circumstances customers are under when saws need parts, Steve Cowling processed shipments until 5:00 pm and delivered the packages to the local UPS Store. Upon arriving at the store Steve noticed the clerk on the phone, and a UPS delivery driver stuffing boxes into the back of his delivery vehicle appearing ready for departure. Steve, stepping out of character, shouted to the delivery driver to hold for Marvel’s customer’s packages. The packages were successfully sent. For this Steve gets the unsung hero of the day award.