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Integration Continues


Amada Marvel, Inc. (AMV), located in Oshkosh, WI and Amada Machinery America, Inc. (AMCA), located in Schaumburg, IL and Los Angeles, CA continue to integrate as part of the merger completed in July of 2018. Company efforts have been re-aligned by restructuring roles for each respective Amada Company. Effective on 4/01/2020, AMCA controls the functions of all sales and service activity in North America. Therefore, please direct all machine, part, service and blade orders to the following new AMCA email addresses and phone numbers:
Machine Orders:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 847-285-4800 ext 606
Parts Orders:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 847-285-4800 ext 603
Service Troubleshooting:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 847-285-4800 ext 601
Blade Orders:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 847-285-4800 ext 605

AMV will be responsible for the Manufacturing of a variety of AMCA and global product offerings sold through AMCA.

This unified effort will allow for both the Amada and Amada Marvel product offerings to improve and focus on even better customer support. The reputation developed through quality product offerings along with the support to follow is critical for continued success. AMCA and AMV realize this and will continue with this focus in mind.


Amada Marvel, Inc.

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